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SMWG Wiki Howto


Read access is garantueed to everyone. Write access is garantueed to people with a certificate from a recognised CA and requires login.

First login

SMWG wiki has certificate authentication. Whenever authors log in they don't need user ids or passwords, they are authenticated through their certificate loaded in the browser. However accounts still need to be created. If it is the first time you login please use the create new account button to do it.

Wiki articles

  • Each article should belong at least to one category to facilitate navigation and identification of the problem.
  • If the article contains a link to a script in the repositories it should belong to the category scripts.
  • Each article or portion of article should bear the name and institute of the source if it is not the same as the page author. For example if the text is extracted from a received email.

Interlinks with other wikies

We have enabled inter links with other wikies to help connecting different articles. The enabled wikies and the name spaces to use for each are the following:
  • gridpp ==> http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/
  • gridsite ==> http://www.gridsite.org/wiki/
  • gocwiki ==> http://goc.grid.sinica.edu.tw/gocwiki/
  • cerntwiki ==> https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/
You can use the name spaces now to point to other pages or sections in the other wikies as if they were local instead of using external links. For example to point to the Atlas Computing page on the CERN Twiki you can write:


System Administration for HEP